University of Virginia Library


Got any boys?” the Marshal said
To a lady from over the Rhine;
And the lady shook her flaxen head,
And civilly answered, “Nein!”
“Got any girls?” the Marshal said
To the lady from over the Rhine;
And again the lady shook her head,
And civilly answered, “Nein!”
“But some are dead?” the Marshal said
To the lady from over the Rhine;
And again the lady shook her head,
And civilly answered, “Nein!”
“Husband of course?” the Marshal said
To the lady from over the Rhine;
And again she shook her flaxen head,
And civilly answered, “Nein!”
“The devil you have!” the Marshal said
To the lady from over the Rhine;
And again she shook her flaxen head,
And civilly answered, “Nein!”
“Now what do you mean by shaking your head,
And always answering, ‘Nine’?”
Ich kann nicht Englisch!” civilly said
The lady from over the Rhine.

Nein, pronounced nine, is the German for “No.”