University of Virginia Library

The Christian Church.

The organization of the present Christian
Church of this city dates back to the
year 1835. During this year and that of
1836 about half of the membership of
the local Baptist church with the paster,
R. L. Coleman, also James Goss,
(with one or two other preachers,)
formed themselves into what was
known as a church of Christ. The new
organization stood for Bible names and
the Bible as the only rule of faith and
practice. The greatest exponent of the
new line thought which was extending
eastward and westward and which
took the name of the Reformation
was Alexander Campbell. For this
reason those holding like views with
the reformer were termed "Campbellites,"
though they repudiated the
appellation. The first meeting place
of the local church was in the courthouse.
Every week they came together
to broke bread even before a
pastor was secured for full time. The
Lord's Supper is still observed each
Lord's Day. In 1836 the present lowas
secured and in 1837 the first build
ing was erected. This structure stood
until 1897, when it was replaced by a
handsome modern edifice. The present
membership is about 260. Among
those who have served the church as
pastors are: R. L. Coleman, A. N.
McChesney, A. B. Walthall, L. A.
Cutler, C. S. Lucas, J. H. Carter, F.
D. Power, Junius Wilkins, E. L.
Powell, S. F. Fowler; H. J. Seamon,
M. Pittman, B. A. Abbott, B. P.
Smith, and the present pastor, C. R.
Sine, who was called to the work July,
1904. Among the many prominent
men who have visited the church since
its organization are the names of:
Alexander Campbell, (who gave a
series of sermons in 1840 and delivered
a lecture at that time before the local
Lyceum,) Isaac Errett, D. S. Burnett,
W. H. Hobson, C. S. Loos and J. W.
McGarvey. The following list includes
its present officers: Pastor and
President of the Board, C. R. Sine,
415 North First street. Elders: J. C.
Patterson, C. H. Walker, H. H. Hankins.
Deacons: E. J. Harlow, M. G.
Hart. L. B. Taylor, S. F. Walton, F.
A. Eddins. Alternate Deacons: L. E.
Watson, J. R. Wood, H. K. Wood.
Superintendent of Sunday-school, C.
H. Walker; Junior Builders, Mrs. C.
R. Sine; President of Christian Endeavor,
F. A. Eddins; Ladies Aid,
Mrs. William Marshall; Christian
Woman's Board of Missions, Mrs. C.
R. Sine, (auxiliary). Hours of service:
Sunday-school, 9.30 a. m.; Preaching


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and the Lord's Supper, 11 a. m.;
Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.; Evening
Service, 8 p. m.; Mid-week prayer
service, Wednesday, 8 p. m.; Christian
Woman's Board of Missions, first
Tuesday in month at 4 p. m.; Ladies
Aid, every Tuesday afternoon except
first in month. Meeting of Official
Board first Monday night of month.