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  • 1. What was the condition of the colony after the war with France?

  • 2. What kind of a man was George III, and what right did he claim?

  • 3. How did the people of Virginia regard this?

  • 4. Give an account of the Parsons' Case.

  • 5. Who appeared in behalf of the people, and what were his words?

  • 6. What was the verdict, and what is said of Patrick Henry?

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  • 7. What was the theory held by the people as to their allegiance to
    Great Britain?

  • 8. Hence what right did they deny Parliament?

  • 9. What did George III. now do?

  • 10. What was the Stamp Act, and what was England's object in passing

  • 11. Give the resolutions of Patrick Henry.

  • 12. While speaking against the Stamp Act, what did he exclaim?

  • 13. Why was it found impossible to put the Stamp Act into execution?

  • 14. What was Parliament forced to do?

  • 15. The following year a tax was laid on what articles?

  • 16. This led to what action on the part of the Burgesses?

  • 17. When the governor heard this, what did he do, and with what

  • 18. What was the Non-Importation Agreement, and by whom drawn

  • 19. Did the other colonies follow Virginia's example?

  • 20. What did England agree to do, and how was this received by the

  • 21. What did the House of Burgesses decide to appoint?

  • 22. What important action did this bring about?

  • 23. What was happening in the other colonies?

  • 24. What became of the tea that was sent to Boston?

  • 25. What order did Parliament give on hearing of this?

  • 26. How did Virginia show her sympathy for Massachusetts?

  • 27. What happened at Raleigh Tavern?

  • 28. When and where did our first Congress meet?

  • 29. What is said of its proceedings?

  • 30. What did Lord Chatham say with regard to its action?