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Assist, Oh GOD! in what I seek to do;
For, when that MAZE I wistly look into
Which we are in, I am afraid almost
That I in some dark passage may be lost.
Our Follies have so wrapt us in a Gin,
Composed both of Righteousness and Sin,


Of Truth and Falshood, of Non-sense and Reason,
Of Good and Ill, of Loyalty and Treason;
And disagreeing Judgements and Affections,
Have broken us into so many Fractions;
Our heads inforcing into such cross Angles,
Whereby the Net still more and more intangles,
And fastned it with such a snarled knot,
That, to unty it, if thou help them not,
All humane pow'rs will be imploy'd in vain,
To set us at full liberty again.
But notwithstanding, here is hardly ought
That, is not wholly out of order brought;
Yet, if thou list, when likeliest means do fail,
Thou canst make things unlikely to prevail.
Thy purpose, thou as well to pass canst bring
By my Goose-quill, as by an Angels Wing:
And, though on all sides all have so misdone
That, I am like to give content to none;
If I may do thy Will, I shall not care
What else, ensues, or who displeased are.
Mens Failings, and their Duties being shown,
Thy Justice and thy Mercies will bee known.
And hoping, to that end, thou guid'st my Pen,
I'll without fear, make my Addresse to men.
For, doubtless, I may boldly do mine Errant
To Kings and Nations, when I have thy warrant.