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Horace in Homespun by Hugh Haliburton [i.e. J. L. Robertson]

A New Edition with Illustrations by A. S. Boyd

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Pyrrhine Bell: Hughie's old Valentine.

“Quis nunc te fruitur credulus aurea?”
Car. i. 5.


Dear Bell,—the name at least is dear,
The love was lost langsyne!—
Whaur won ye noo? if ane may speer;
An' wha's your valentine?
That some brisk Donald o' the braes,
Or Jockie o' the glen,—
That some ane some gate ca's ye his,
(God bless the bairn!) I ken.


I'm wae for him, the witless youth,
That tak's her passin' whim;
An' yet, if I maun speak the truth,
I halflins could be him!


For wha wad guess a cruel heart
Controll'd that witchin' ee?
Or that those gleesome airs were airt?
But cuissen lads like me!


That some ane some gate has her heart,
(God save the mark!) I ken;
There never yet was handsome flirt
But had her wale o' men.
An', troth! if truth were in her kiss,
An' true love in her smile,
She weel micht merit—what she hiz,
The livin' warld to wyle!


Puir unkent brither, whustlin' blithe
Wi' firm belief in Bell,
As lang as simmer-glances kythe,
Enjoy them for theirsel'!


An' bide the winter when it comes
As bravely as ye may!
What needs a man forecast the glooms
To tak' them ere their day?