University of Virginia Library



In early youth o'er Mersey's tide
By wayward fortune trick'd,
While sleep my weary eyelids clos'd,
I got my pockets pick'd.
Twice fifteen years elaps'd, again
The skippers mock'd my care;
For tho' I kept a good look-out,
They robb'd me in the fare.
The ferry much improv'd I found,
The port, the docks, the streets;
But, O! curst thirst of lucre! still
Disgrac'd with rogues and cheats.
Yet partial to this goodly town,
It flatters native pride,
That though I suffer'd and was vex'd,
'Twas from the farther side.


Nor mean I all should wear the cap
Full well befitting one,
By fellow swabbers Henry hight,
An imp of Chatterton.
Hard is his visage, hard his heart,
Uncouth his speech and chuff;
The squalid waterman of Styx
Had scarce a mien so gruff.
Did he, the souls to ferry o'er,
For Charon man the helm,
Not one, tho' of Elysium sure,
Would visit Pluto's realm.—
Tho' born in storms, to objects loath'd,
And storms in life inur'd,
Even at his aspect I recoil'd,
And scarce his sight endur'd.—
I tread the ground, where, blithe and free
In thoughtless years I stray'd,
And trace the haunts, to memory dear,
Where oft my childhood play'd.


Around the place fond, anxious looks
At every turn I threw,
In hopes, nor vain my hopes at last,
To meet some face I knew.
I stop at each remembered spot,
And on the prospect dwell;
Then of some boyish incident
My sweet companions tell.
Here, the prompt champion of my friend,
I check'd his saucy foes;
And here a hardy conquest gain'd,
And here a bloody nose.
Here Leadbetter kept school—here Hughes,
By death long since remov'd;
A tear, affection's tribute, shows
Their pains not thankless prov'd.
As recollection livelier grew,
From place to place I rang'd;
See palaces where oxen grazed,
And huts to churches chang'd.


St. Peter's, George's, Nicholas' too,
The seaman's ancient trust;
Each object with delight I view;
Yet still intrudes disgust.
Why should a foul, imposing elf
My soul's serene o'er-cast?
Keep clear your wharfs, ye sons of trade!
For first impressions last.
'Tis meet the labourer to reward,
And 'tis as strictly true,
Integrity's the safest plan,
And wisest to pursue.
Frenchman or Dutch, or friend or foe,
By name whatever call'd,
He'll scarce the mooring recommend,
Who has his hawser gall'd.
To see this town, their father's boast,
Oft would my children crave,
And, lo! the poor young travellers greet
A rude designing knave.


Weeds are produc'd in every soil;
But that's a lame excuse,
And justly censure they incur
Who tolerate abuse.
Are there no laws, no magistrates,
Extortion to correct,
That strangers who your wealth admire,
Your justice may respect?