University of Virginia Library



“So He giveth to His beloved in sleep.”
Psalm 127:2, (Trench's version).

Lord I will not strive nor cry;
At Thy feet in peace I lie;
Vain is fear and trouble vain;
Let me never more complain;
Vexed no more to sow or reap,
Since Thou giv'st me gifts in sleep.
Let the world pass by unknown;
Care is dead and sorrow flown;
On His garments' outer fold
I have all my burdens rolled:
I will sleep, for God shall be
Even in slumber blessing me.
Happy angels! evermore
Singing praises o'er and o'er;
I, your Master's happier child,
Am of every grief beguiled.
Though I dream, no more I weep;
God doth give me gifts in sleep.


Earth may rage and nations toil;
Man may work with vain turmoil,
While my Father's gracious heart
Holds me sheltered far apart:
Safe, for He doth bless and keep
His beloved in their sleep.
As a callow bird may rest
Singing softly in its nest;
As a baby kept from harm
In its mother's folding arm,
So I rest, secure with Thee;
Even in sleep Thou blessest me.