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Virginia, 1492-1892

a brief review of the discovery of the continent of North America, with a history of the executives of the colony and of the commonwealth of Virginia in two parts

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Page 89



XXI. President of the Council

XXI. November 14, 1627, to March 5, 1629.

Captain Francis West was a younger brother of Lord
De la Warr. He came to the Colony early in its settlement.
Here he married, and was long a member of the Council. In
1623 he went to Plymouth with a commission to be Admiral
of New England. He was authorized to restrain vessels
from fishing or trading on the coast without a license from
the New England Council, but, meeting with difficulty in
executing this part of his commission, he sailed for Virginia.

When Governor Yeardley died, the administration devolved
on West. During his control of affairs the Colony
received large accessions of emigrants from Europe. Captain
West returned to England, March 5, 1629, when Dr. John
Pott succeeded him in presiding over the fortunes of the Colony.
Captain West is said to have come back again to
Virginia, and to have met his death by drowning.