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1. General Psychology.—This course will be concerned with some
of the fundamental psychological processes, such as attention and
interest, volition, reasoning, and emotion. There will be introductory
lectures on neural action and habit. A brief discussion of the psychology
of æsthetics also will be given. The study and discussions
of the text will be supplemented by references to standard works
on the subject. This course and Education 5 are complementary.

Text-Book.—To be announced.

Daily, from 8:30 to 9:30. Professor Balz. Peabody Hall, Room 6.

2. Introductory Course in Social Psychology.—This course will
offer a survey of the psychology of group living. Instinct and emotion,
suggestion and imitation, volition, and the development of the
self, will be the primary topics considered. Readings, supplementary
to the text, will be assigned. This course is designed to be of service
to teachers, scout masters, etc.

Text-Book.—To be announced.

Daily, from 12:15 to 1:15. Professor Balz. Peabody Hall, Room 2.

Educational Psychology.—See Education 5.

Elementary Child Psychology.—See Education 11.

University Credit.—Any student who fulfills the conditions set forth
on page 18 and completes successfully Courses 1 and 2 and Course
5 on the Psychology of Education will be given credit for one session
hour in Philosophy B3.

Certificate Credit.—Professional Summer School Certificate—High
School Grade—Psychology 1 and 2.