University of Virginia Library

Scen 8a:

Hymen & masquers.
See matches equall to Facetias glorye
Such as is yr Comastes ye brave youth
And gallant Gentrye of rich Naples masqued
In princely guise to grace her nuptiall.
These are ye fittest servants of greate Cupid
Though blind himself he loves not maymed voteryes
Enter Heroicke sp̄v s swift as thought


And lett yr feet in Active measure move
These are ye Triumphs of ye god of love.

The masque ent: and dances. pos[[illeg.]] exeunt.
come frindes this happy close more joyes my harte
Then all or forespent mirth: wee'le still hold vp.
If wine & cheare can do'te our former Sceane
of jollyty: & thes our new joynd lovers
shall be attendants to vnite yr joyes
As are theyre hearts: & I yr hoast will be
ye chorus mirth true Geniuss to you all.
And stile my howse ye LOVERS HOSPITALL