University of Virginia Library


A newspaper in the German language was published
weekly, in Philadelphia, as early as May, 1743. The printer


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of it was Joseph Crellius, who first lived in Market street,
but during the year removed to Arch street, where the
paper was probably printed and published several years.
In November, 1743, Crellius advertised in the Pennsylvania
Journal, that he had opened his "Winter Evening
German School, and continued to print his Weekly German
Newspaper," the title of which, I am informed, was
The High Dutch Pennsylvania Journal. I have not been able
to procure a copy of this newspaper, but I believe it was
the first that was printed in Philadelphia in the German

In February, 1748, Godhart Armbruster commenced the
publication, once in a fortnight, of a newspaper in the
German language. His printing house was then in Race

By an advertisement in The Pennsylvania Gazette of September,
1751, I find there was at that time, "A Dutch and
English Gazette, containing the freshest Advices, foreign
and domestick, with other entertaining and useful Matters
in both Languages, adapted to the Convenience of such as
incline to learn either," printed "at the German Printing-Office,
in Arch-street; price five shillings per annum."
"At the same place Copper-plate Printing was performed
in the best Manner." The title of the newspaper was Die
. The name of the publisher of this paper is not
mentioned; but it is ascertained to have been Godhart
Armbruster, who, in 1747, went to Europe. He returned
in 1748, and brought with him a copper plate printer by
the name of Behm, and a supply of new German types.
This Gazette was probably that which he first published in
1748. It is mentioned in his Almanac for 1749, and was
then published weekly, at ten shillings per annum. In
1751 it was printed only once in a fortnight, as at first.

A press for the German language had been established
in that city, for some years, at the expense of a society in


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London, formed for the benevolent purpose of "promoting
religious knowledge among the German emigrants in
Pennsylvania," School books, and religious tracts in the
German language, were printed at this press; and, in order
to convey, with the greater facility, political and other information
to the German citizens, a newspaper was published
at the establishment. The title of the paper I have
not been able to ascertain. It was printed by Anthony
Armbruster;[10] with whom, at that time, Franklin was a
silent copartner.

The Rev. Dr. William Smith, provost of the college at
Philadelphia, was agent for the English society, and had
the direction of the press, and of the newspaper.

Formal complaints having been made to the house of
assembly respecting the official conduct of William Moore,
president of the court of common pleas for the county of
Chester, the assembly applied to the governor to remove
him from office. Moore, in his vindication, presented "a
humble address "to the governor, which was expressed in
terms that proved offensive to the assembly. It was published
both in the Gazette and in the Journal; and application
was made to Dr. Smith to publish a German
translation of it in the German newspaper, with which he
complied. The house of assembly considered this address
as a high reflection on the proceedings of their body, and
resolved that "it was a libel."

The assembly were desirous of discovering the author of
the German translation. They were suspicious of Dr.
Smith. The three printers of newspapers, and several other
persons, were summoned to give their testimony before the
assembly. Hall and Bradford, printers of the English
newspapers, knew nothing of the German translation, and


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were dismissed. Armbruster was interrogated, and committed
to the custody of the sergeant at arms, for a contempt
to the house in prevaricating in his testimony, and refusing
to answer a question put to him; but he was the next day
discharged, on his asking pardon, giving direct answers,
and paying fees.

The Rev. Dr. Smith, the editor of the German paper, and
Judge Moore, were on the 6th of January, 1758, apprehended
and brought before the house. Moore was charged by the assembly
with mal-administration in his office as a magistrate,
and with writing and publishing the address. In respect
to the first charge, he denied the jurisdiction of the house;
at the same time declaring his desire to obtain an impartial
hearing before the governor, the usual tribunal in such
cases; or, before a court of justice, where he could be acquitted
or condemned by his peers. To the second charge
he acknowledged that he wrote and published the address
to the governor, arid claimed a right to do it. He was
imprisoned for refusing to acknowledge the jurisdiction of
the house, and for writing the address. Dr. Smith was
also committed for printing and publishing the address,
although he pleaded "that the same thing had been done
four weeks before by Franklin & Hall, printers to the
house, in the Pennsylvania Gazette; and, afterwards, by
Bradford, printer of the Pennsylvania Journal; neither of
whom had been molested."

The house, by two resolves, fixed the nature of the crime,
and their own authority to try it. Smith, before he left
the house, offered to appeal to the king in council; but this
was not taken notice of by the assembly. It was intimated
to Smith, that he could escape confinement only by making
satisfactory acknowledgement to the house; to this he replied,
"that he thought it his duty to keep the Dutch press
as free as any other press in the province; and, as he was
conscious of no offence against the house, his lips should


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never give his heart the lie; there being no punishment,
which they could inflict, half so terrible to him as the
thought of forfeiting his veracity and good name with the
world." He spoke more to the same purpose, which was
so highly approved by a large audience that on that occasion
had crowded into the hall of the assembly, as to produce
a burst of applause. Some gentlemen who gave this
token of their approbation, were taken into custody, examined,
reprimanded and discharged. Smith and Moore
determined to petition the king for redress.[11]

This German paper was published about the year 1759,
by Weiss and Miller, conveyancers. It was printed for
them about two years by Armbruster.

In 1762, Anthony Armbruster printed this German
paper on his own account, and, in 1764, published it weekly
in Arch street.

H. Miller's German paper was commenced also in 1762;
and for some time there were two German and two English
newspapers published in Philadelphia.

Der Bochentliche Philadelphische Staatfbote.

This newspaper was first published in the German language
at Philadelphia, in January, 1762; printed by Henry
Miller, with German types, very similar to, though handsomer
than English blacks. It was, as occasion required,
printed on a whole or half sheet of foolscap; the size of the
paper was afterwards enlarged to a crown sheet. The day
of publication, at first, was Monday, but it was frequently

In 1775, the paper was enlarged to a demy size, and published
twice a week, on Tuesday and Friday; in 1776,
only once a week, on Tuesdays, at 6s. per annum. In


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1765, a cut of a postman on horseback, was introduced into
the title; the postman was on a gallop, and held in his left
hand a newspaper, on which appeared the word Novœ. In
1768, the title was altered to Pennsnlvanische Staatfbote.
In 1775, the cut was omitted, and the paper entitled Genrich
Miller's Pennshlvanischer Staatfbote With this alteration
in the title, it was printed until the British army
took possession of the city in 1777; the publication of it
was then suspended, but was revived soon after that army
evacuated Philadelphia, and continued till May, 1779, when
the publisher retired from business, and his paper was continued
by Steiner & Cist, for a few months, and then by
Steiner only, until 1794; and after that time by H. & J.
Kammerer, and others, until 1812, when it was discontinued.

[See Philadelphia—Henry Miller.]

James Robertson, who before 1775 printed at Albany,
and afterwards at Norwich and New York, published in
Philadelphia, whilst the British army occupied the city, a
paper entitled The Royal Gazette.

Note.—There were 14 newspapers printed in the state of Pennsylvania
in 1790, and it was supposed about five times that number in the whole
country. The first stage between New York and Philadelphia commenced
running in 1756, and occupied three days in the transit. Newspapers were
carried in the mail free of charge, until 1758, when, by reason of their
great increase, they were charged with postage at 9d. a year for fifty miles,
and 18d. for 100 miles.—M.


Since the first edition of this work was published, I have been informed
that the newspaper here mentioned was the continuation of that
published in 1748, and after by Godhart Armbruster.


See American Magazine for January, 1758. See also, Journals of the
House of Assembly of Pennsylvania
, for 1757 and 1758.