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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
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Joseph Addison, The Spectator (London, 1867). Aristotle,
Aristotelis Opera, ed. I. Bekker, 5 vols. (Berlin, 1831-70);
idem, The Works of Aristotle Translated into English, ed.
J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross, 12 vols. (Oxford, 1908-52). Saint
Augustine, Confessions, trans. William Watts (New York,
1912); idem, Opera Omnia, ed. J. P. Migne, 12 vols. in 16
(Paris, 1841-77); Patrologia Latina, Vols. 32-46. E. de
Bruyne, Études d'estétique médiévale (Bruges, 1946). John
Burnet, Greek Philosophy: Thales to Plato (London, 1932),
Part I. Rhys Carpenter, Greek Sculpture (Chicago, 1960).
V. Gordon Childe, What Happened in History (New York,
1946). R. G. Collingwood, The Principles of Art (Oxford,
1938). B. Croce, Aesthetic as Science of Expression, trans.
D. Ainslie (London, 1929); idem, What is Living and What
is Dead of the Philosophy of Hegel,
trans. D. Ainslie


(London, 1915). Armand Delatte, Les Conceptions de l'ent-
housiasme chez les philosophes pré-socratiques
(Paris, 1934).
H. Diels and W. Kranz, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker,
2 vols. (Berlin, 1906-10). William Duff, An Essay on Origi-
nal Genius
(London, 1767). A. Dürer, The Literary Remains
of Albrecht Dürer,
trans. W. H. Conway (Cambridge, 1889).
G. F. Else, Aristotle's Poetics: The Argument (Cambridge,
Mass., 1957). A. Ernout and A. Meillet, Dictionnaire éty-
mologique de la langue latine
(Paris, 1932). Galen, De
Placitis Hippocratis et Platonis,
ed. I. Müller (Leipzig, 1874).
Alexander Gerard, An Essay on Genius (London, 1774).
Arthur Grant, The Ethics of Aristotle (London, 1885). R.
Hackforth, Plato's Examination of Pleasure (Cambridge,
1945). J. Hambidge, Dynamic Symmetry (New Haven, 1920).
Arnold Hauser, The Social History of Art, 4 vols. (New York,
1957). G. W. F. Hegel, The Introduction to Hegel's Philoso-
phy of Fine Art,
trans. B. Bosanquet (London, 1905); idem,
The Philosophy of Fine Art, trans. F. P. B. Osmaston
(London, 1920); idem, Sämtliche Werke, 26 vols. (Stuttgart,
1927-40). Henry Home (Lord Kames), Elements of Criticism,
5th ed. (Edinburgh, 1774). Francis Hutcheson, An Inquiry
into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue,
ed. (London, 1753). C. E. Jeanneret-Grist (Le Corbusier),
Modulor 2 (Boulogne, 1964). I. Kant, Kant's Kritik of Judge-
trans. J. H. Bernard (London, 1892). Leonardo da
Vinci, The Literary Works of Leonardo da Vinci, ed. J. P.
Richter, 2 vols. (London, 1883; 1939). Longinus, On the
trans. W. R. Roberts (Cambridge, 1899). E.
MacKay, “Proportion Squares on Tomb Walls in the Theban
Necropolis,” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 4 (1917), 7ff.
Jacques Maritain, Art and Scholasticism, trans. J. F. Scanlan
(London and New York, 1930). Milton C. Nahm, Selections
from Early Greek Philosophy,
4th ed. (New York, 1964);
idem, Aesthetic Experience and Its Presuppositions (New
York, 1946; 1968); idem, The Artist as Creator (Baltimore,
1956); idem, “The Theological Background of the Theory
of the Artist as Creator,” Journal of the History of Ideas,
8 (1947), 363-72. F. Nietzsche, The Complete Works of
Friedrich Nietzsche,
ed. Oscar Levy, 18 vols. (Edinburgh and
London, 1909-1913; reprint New York, 1964). J. Overbeck,
Die antiken Schriftquellen... den Griechen (Leipzig, 1868).
E. Panofsky, Meaning in the Visual Arts (New York, 1955).
Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana (London, 1912).
Plato, Opera Omnia, ed. G. Stallbaum, 20 vols. (Gotha,
1857-85); idem, The Dialogues of Plato, trans. B. Jowett,
4 vols. (new impression, Oxford, 1952). Pliny the Elder, The
Elder Pliny's Chapters on the History of Art in the Historia
trans. K. Jex-Blake (London, 1896). Plotinus,
Ennéades, ed. E. Bréhier, 7 vols. (Paris, 1924-38); idem,
Plotinus, trans. Stephen Mackenna, 4 vols. (London,
1917-26). J. Pokorny, Indogermanisches Etymologisches
(Bern, 1948—). George Puttenham, The Arte
of English Poesie
(1589; Cambridge, 1936). Nesca A. Robb,
Neoplatonism of the Italian Renaissance (London, 1935). F.
Schiller, On the Aesthetic Education of Man, trans. R. Snell
(New Haven, 1954). A. Schopenhauer, The World as Will
and Idea,
trans. R. B. Haldane and J. Kemp, 3 vols. (London,
1883-96). P.-M. Schuhl, Platon et l'art de son temps (Paris,
1933). Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury, Characteristics of Men,
Manners, Opinions, Times
..., ed. John M. Robertson
(1711; London, 1900). Paul Shorey, What Plato Said (Chi-
cago, 1933). J. E. Spingarn, Creative Criticism (New York,
1917). Leo Spitzer, Classical and Christian Ideas of World
(Baltimore, 1963). Mary H. Swindler, Ancient
(New Haven, 1929). Saint Thomas Aquinas, Opera
34 vols. (Paris, 1871-80). Alois Walde and J. B.
Hofmann, Lateinisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (Hei-
delberg, 1930—). Daniel Webb, Remarks on the Beauties
of Poetry
(London, 1762). C. R. Williams, The Decoration
of the Tomb of Per-nēb
(New York, 1932). H. A. Wolfson,
“Philo on Free Will,” Harvard Theological Review, 35, 2
(1942). H. C. Wyld, The Universal Dictionary of the English
(London, n.d.). Xenophon, Memorabilia of Socra-
trans. E. C. Marchant (London, 1949). Edward Young,
Conjectures on Original Composition, ed. M. W. Steinke
(1959; New York, 1917).


[See also Analogy; Art and Play; Beauty; Creation in
Religion; Expressionism;
Genius; God; Mimesis; Platonism;
Pythagorean Harmony of the Universe.]