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These, are the sins, (as often heretofore
I have affirm'd, and say it now once more)
Which have destroy'd, and totally laid waste
Great Monarchies, and States in Ages past.


Yet, to these Crimes, this Age hath added many,
Beside hypocrisie, the worst of any.
Yea, they have crown'd them with impenitencies
For sins committed under fair pretences;
With perseverance in them, whilst GOD's hand
Is stretched forth in anger o'er this Land.
And, it is Penitence for these Transgressions,
As also, for our manifold omissions,
That must prevent the plagues now coming on.
GOD, grant, it may be timely, thought upon;
And, this, therewith, in season minded too;
That, we in conscience, are oblig'd to do
As much as possibly we shall be able
To seek preventing of that miserable
And sad condition, whereto they are brought,
Who, for the common Interest, have fought
By their injoynments, (who then managed
The Pow'r, which their obedience warranted)
And, thereto, not alone contributed
Their Livelihoods, but, in their service shed
Their precious bloud, with hazard of their lives,
And ruine to their children, and their wives;
Whom, if we slightly leave indempnifi'd,
Will raise the loudest CRY that ever cri'd;
Make all men say, (who have their Cause well scann'd)
That honest men by knaves have been trapann'd;
Fulfill, what, in my OPOBALSAMVM,
I, fifteen years now past, foretold should come;
And in some other Premonitions too,
(Though heeded not) nigh forty years ago.
Yea, and, bring Vengeance, ev'n on those who shall
Suppose, it them concerneth not at all;
For, most, one way or other, guilty be,
And from the punishment, few shall be free.