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[II A thousand years ago]

A thousand years ago
Two lovers, fond as we,
Saw the rich moondawn glow
On glooms of breezy sea.
The same titanic moon, the same swart waves!
Where are those lovers? Who may break the oblivion of their graves?
A thousand years from now
Two lovers will behold
A moondawn wake and plough
These tides to airy gold.
The same grand moon, the same lulled sea's caress!
Where are those unborn lovers? Who shall dare even dream or guess?


A thousand years ago?
A thousand years from now? ...
Let us not care to know
If ardour of kiss or vow
To slumberous past or mystic future be
Either, for time's unswerving sweep, memory or prophecy!
Let us this one supreme
Night so augustly dower
With passion that 'twill seem
A dark yet gorgeous flower,
Blossoming for love to pluck, for love to bruise,
For love with holy and fiery tears to dim its heavenly hues!