University of Virginia Library




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1492.  Columbus discovered America. 
1497.  John Cabot discovered Labrador. 
1585.  Sir Walter Raleigh's first Roanoke colony. 
1587.  Sir Walter Raleigh's second Roanoke Island colony. 
1606.  First charter granted to Virginia. 
1607.  The English made a settlement at Jamestown; the first permanent
English settlement in America, May 13. 
1609.  Virginia received her second charter. 
1610.  The Starving Time. 
1612.  Virginia received her third charter. 
1612.  Culture of tobacco commenced. 
1613.  Pocahontas married John Rolfe. 
1617.  Death of Pocahontas. 
1618.  The Great Charter issued. 
1619.  First Colonial Assembly convened at Jamestown, July 30. 
1619.  Slavery introduced into Virginia. 
1622.  Indian massacre. 
1624.  Virginia becomes a royal piovince. 
1644.  Second Indian massacre. 
1649-60.  Virginia under the Commonwealth. 
1653.  Virginians establish a settlement on Albemarle Sound in North
1660.  Navigation Acts put into operation. 
1673.  Culpeper and Arlington grant. 
1676.  Bacon's Rebellion. 
1693.  William and Mary College founded. 
1732.  Washington born, February 22. 
1733.  Founding of Richmond and Petersburg. 
1754.  The French and Indian War begun. 
1754.  Battle of Great Meadows. 
1755.  Braddock's defeat. 
1758.  Fort Duquesne captured. 
1763.  End of the French and Indian War. 

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