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Page 96

JANUARY 1, 1934

(The item in parenthesis indicates the Department of the University. The
number immediately following represents the year at the University.)



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Page 98
Arey, Hiram Cecil (G3), B.A., Bridgewater College  Bridgewater, Va. 
Ball, Frank Charles, Jr. (C1)  Butte, Mont. 
Ballard, Edward Goodwin (G1), B. A., College of Wiland
Williamsburg, Va. 
Barker, Robert Harvie (G3), B.A., Furman University;
M.A., Vanderbilt University 
Danville, Va. 
Bauserman, John Vawter (L4), B.A., College of William
and Mary 
Woodstock, Va. 
Beecher, Lawrence Jack (L6)  New York, N. Y. 
Blakslee, Robert Irwin (C3)  Philadelphia, Penna. 
Bledsoe, Robert Garnett, Jr. (L4), B.A., University of
Locust Grove, Va. 
Bloomer, Robert Oliver (C2)  Norfolk, Va. 
Bodé, Donald Denby (G5), B.S., Southwestern; M.S.,
University of Virginia 
Memphis, Tenn. 
Bogusch, Harry Robert, Jr. (C1)  Coronado, Calif. 
Booth, Charles Edward, Jr. (G1), Graduate United
States Naval Academy 
Painesville, Ohio 
Boyle, Eldridge Roger, Jr. (G7), B.S., University of
University, Va. 
Brittain, George Robert (L4), B.A., Bethany College  Tazewell, Va. 
Brown, Percy Houston (L9)  Hinton, W. Va. 
Cocke, Virginia Webb (G5), B.S.Ed., University of
University, Va. 
Cometti, Elizabeth (G1), B.A., Marshall College  Bluefield, W. Va. 
Connor, William Curtis (G1), B.S., Roanoke College  Copper Hill, Va. 
Dawson, Thomas Fitzhugh (C1)  Washington, D. C. 
Fogel, Julius (M4)  Lynchburg, Va. 
Franke, Walter Royden (E2)  Brookings, S. D. 
Fricks, Lunsford Dickson, Jr. (L3), B.A., Amherst
Seattle, Wash. 
Gentry, Fenton Allen Sevier (G6), B.S., University of
Chattanooga, Tenn. 
Goldberg, Milton Chauncey (E7)  Portsmouth, Va. 
Griffin, Parker Currier (C2)  University, Va. 
Hahn, Sarah Fidelia (Ed2)  University, Va. 
Happel, Ralph (G6), B.S., University of Virginia  Fredericksburg, Va. 
Hawley, Edgar Duncan (C1)  Richmond, Va. 
Heller, Adolph Bernard, Jr. (C5)  New York, N. Y. 
Holsinger, Justis Geil (G1), B.A., Bridgewater College  Edom, Va. 
Hootman, James Albert (G3), B.S., Randolph-Macon
College; M.S., Mississippi A. and M. College 
Doswell, Va. 
Joyner, Moses Butler (G1), B.A., College of William
and Mary 
Dendron, Va. 
Kempf, John Emil (C6)  W. New Brighton, N. Y. 
Lewis, Thomas Walker (C1)  Memphis, Tenn. 
Loving, Lunsford Lomax (L7)  Lynchburg, Va. 
Lunsford, Kirk, Jr. (C3)  Roanoke, Va. 
Martin, Caroline Pierce (G2), B.A., George Washington
Washington, D. C. 
Miller, Charles Jerrell (L3), B.S.Ec., University of
Bridgeton, N. J. 
Mills, Mary J. (Ed1)  Mineral, Va. 
Moore, Thomas Waterman, Jr. (L5), B.A., University
of the South 
Ashland, Ky. 
Moran, Charles Edward, Jr. (C3)  Charlottesville, Va. 
Nix, Milton A. (C5)  Opp, Ala. 
Patterson, John Thames (C1)  Danville, Va. 
Roberts, Melvin MacDearmon (C5)  Cleveland, Ohio 
Robinson, Richard Augustus (G2), B.S., Mississippi A.
and M. College 
Kilmichael, Miss. 
Rodman, George Bush (G2), B.A., Centre College  Frankfort, Ky. 
Ross, George William, Jr. (C1)  Boonton, N. J. 
St. John, Landon Carter (C2)  Washington, D. C. 
Schumacher, George Alexander (G4), B.A., Butler
University; M.A., University of Virginia 
Indianapolis, Ind. 
Stephens, Robert Griffin (L4)  New York, N. Y. 
Strange, Louis Cleburne (G2), B.S.Ed., University of
Guthrie, Ky. 
Tegu, Tegu Steven (C3)  St. Johnsbury, Vt. 
van de Kamp, Leonie Augustine Met (G5), Diplomê
d'études françaises, Nancy, France 
Kaandam, Holland 
Volm, Matthew (G2), Graduate from Gymnasium Sigmaringen
Ivy Depot, Va. 
Walker, Mamie Wright (G1), B.A., Texas State College
for Women; M.A., Columbia University 
Denton, Tex. 
Wells, Horace Gilmer (C1)  Louisville, Ky. 
Winn, John Blanton (G6), B.S., University of Virginia  Lexington, Ky. 
Total number of students registered in 1933-34 after January 1,
Net total students in regular session to January 1, 1934, as
reported in catalogue of 1933-34 
Corrected net total students in regular session 1933-34  2,396