University of Virginia Library

II. Courses Leading to the Normal Professional Certificate for Kindergarten
and Primary Grade Teaching:

First Three Quarters

Industrial and Fine Arts I—Introduction to Industrial
and Fine Arts or Ed. s41 
1 session-hour 
Education sB2-II—Educational Psychology  1 session-hour 
Education s31—Nature Study  1 session-hour 
Education sB2-I—Elementary Educational Psychology  1 session-hour 
Education sB2-III—Principles of Teaching  1 session-hour 
Education s45—The Teaching of Arithmetic  1 session-hour 
Education s32—Child Literature  1 session-hour 
Education s36—The Teaching of Reading  1 session-hour 
English s41—Survey of English Grammar  1 session-hour 
Education s38—Methods in Language and Spelling,
Primary Grades 
1 session-hour 
Phy. Ed. s92—Physical Education—Primary Grades  ½ session-hour 
Phy. Ed. s94—Theory, Methods and Practice  ½ session-hour 
Education sB12-I—School Hygiene  1 session-hour 
Music—Public School Music  1 session-hour 
Education s46—General Geography  1 session-hour 
Elective  1 session-hour 
15 session-hours 

Second Three Quarters

Education sB3-III—Measurement in Elementary
1 session-hour 
Education sB1-I—History of Education  1 session-hour 
Education s42—Civics and History  1 session-hour 
History sB3-I—American History  1 session-hour 
Education—Supervised Teaching  2 session-hours 
Dramatic Art s44—Art of Expression; Reading and
1 session-hour 
English s42—The Teaching of Composition  1 session-hour 
English sA—Literature  1 session-hour 
Physical Education s95—Folk and Aesthetic Dancing  ½ session-hour 
Electives  5½ session-hours 
15 session-hours 

Appropriate credit will be allowed on this certificate for courses taken in
other standard teachers colleges or normal schools.

Note—Teachers who desire to take Supervised Teaching must notify the Dean of the
Summer Quarter at least 30 days before the opening of the first term in order to be assured
of securing it, as the number of such students who may be accommodated is necessarily
limited. Students are urged to take this course immediately after securing 18 session-hours