Thalia's Banquet Furnished with an hundred and odde dishes of newly deuised Epigrammes, Whereunto (beside many worthy friends) are inuited all that loue in offensiue mirth, and the Muses. By H. P. [i.e. Henry Peacham] |
Thalia's Banquet | ||
To Maister Michael Drayton.
Epigram 38.
What thinkst thou worthy Michael of our Times,When onely Almanack and ballad rimes
Are in request now, where those Worthies be,
Who formerly did cherish poesie,
Where is Augustus? oh no rather she,
Would lend an eare vnto thy Melodie.
Sweete poetresse her selfe, where's Surrey and,
Our Phoenix Sydney, Essex, Comberland?
With numbers moe, of whom we are bereft,
That scarce a prop th' abandon'd Muse hath left.
But what's the reason? they that list define
For mee, except the same of Aretine.
Will no reward to Poetry allow?
Replied, because Their Conscience doth suggest,
In Poets praise they haue no interest.
Moreouer would you haue them take in hand,
To Patterne that they cannot vnderstand?
Thalia's Banquet | ||