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I. Art

Art C1: Drawing B1 and B2, or equivalent, prerequisite.—Outdoor sketching
in color in the first and third terms, studio class in the second term. (M.S. credit,
2 session-hours.)

Professor Campbell.

Art C2: Drawing B2, or equivalent, prerequisite.—The drawing and rendering
of architectural compositions in color. (B.S. or M.S. credit, 1, 2 or 3 session-hours,
according to amount of work accomplished.)

Professor Campbell.

II. Architecture

Architectural Design C1: Architectural Design B3, or equivalent, prerequisite.—The
Class A, and prize competitions of the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design,
and a thesis design. Not less than two years' work for a candidate for M.S.
(M.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)

Professor Campbell.

Colonial Archaeology C1: Architectural Design B3, or equivalent, prerequisite.—The
historical study with measurements and the drawing of a work of
Architecture in Virginia of the Colonial or Federal period. (M.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Campbell.

Architectural Building and Equipment: The School of Art and Architecture
is housed in Fayerweather Hall, formerly the old gymnasium. The
main gymnasium floor has been converted into faculty offices and a large drafting
room for instruction in architectural drawing and design. Over the offices is a
balcony arranged for group criticisms, judgment of student drawings and small
exhibitions. The ground floor is occupied by two studios for water-color and
freehand drawing work, the Fine Arts Library, a small classroom and business
office. The large classes have their lectures and classroom exercises in other
University buildings.

The library contains three thousand books and bound periodicals on painting,
sculpture, architecture and the related minor arts. Additional books on philosophy
of art, archaeology, the theatrical and musical arts are in other school libraries.
The best of American and European architectural and art periodicals are subscribed
to. A well-selected collection of slides and photographs for History of


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Art lectures is available. The School owns an ample collection of plaster casts
and still-life objects necessary for teaching freehand drawing and water-colour
as well as equipment for instruction in various black and white mediums. A gift
by John Barton Payne of etchings by masters is owned by the University. A
permanent collection of architectural drawings and water-colours for student inspiration
is exhibited on walls. All the printed documents relating to Virginia
Colonial Architecture are on the library shelves and a rapidly increasing collection
of photographs on the same subject is being formed. Opportunities for
original research in Virginia Colonial and Classical Revival Architecture are
afforded by the neighborhood surrounding Charlottesville.

III. Music

Music C1: Advanced Composition: Music B5 and B6 prerequisite.—Advanced
Harmony and Counterpoint, Canon, Fugue, and the larger homophonic

Professor Fickenscher.

Music C2: Music in the History of the Western Church: Prerequisites:
Two B courses in the School of Music or the equivalent acquired through private
instruction and study elsewhere. Open to graduates and undergraduates.
of the Music and Liturgy of the Catholic Church during the Middle
Ages and Italian Renaissance. Guido, Saint Ambrose. Gregory the Great and the
Gregorian Chant. The Netherlands School, Palestrina. The influence of the
Papal Choir in European Music. The religious composers of the Classic and
Romantic Periods. Bach, Handel and their successors. The acceptance in
Protestant and Catholic Churches alike of the operatic style of religious composition
during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Associate Professor Pratt.

Equipment: The work offered re-establishes the instruction outlined in
the first curriculum of the University, 1818, the earliest proposal for instruction
in art, architecture, and music in any American university. An unrivalled
background is provided for it by the buildings and environment of Charlottesville;
the University group, with its old buildings specially designed to furnish
examples of the various orders "as specimens for the architectural lectures,"
its new buildings designed by Stanford White; the works of sculpture by Houdon,
Ezekiel, Bitter, Borglum, Keck, Shrady, and Aitken; the concerts and
exhibitions of paintings brought to the University with part of the income of
the McIntire fund.

For Music, the school has two concert grand pianos, an Ampico reproducing
grand piano and an orthophonic victrola. A full set of band instruments
purchased by the Alumni Association, double basses, kettle drums, and
various other unusual instruments for the use of students in the orchestra, a
comprehensive library of chamber music, orchestral scores and parts, operas
and piano classics, as well as books of reference on musical subjects and
collateral reading. There are also available for the Music School a three-manual
Skinner organ in Cabell Hall and a three-manual Moeller organ, the
gift of Paul Goodloe McIntire in connection with the McIntire Amphitheatre,


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and a two-manual practice organ in the University Chapel. The following
gifts have been made to the musical library: by Mr. Iredell Jenkins, a valuable
collection of operas, oratorios, light operas, piano music, first editions;
by Professor Gardner Lloyd Carter, piano music and books on musical subjects;
by Mr. Charles Orchard, a set of biographical works; by Mrs. W. H.
Sage, a collection of piano music, violin and cello sonatas, trios, quartettes
and quintettes.

IV. Dramatic Art

Dramatic Art C1: Advanced Playwriting: Dramatic Art B1 and one
other B course prerequisite. Open only to those of proved aptitude in playwriting
who have obtained the consent of the professor in charge.
—Each student will be
required to satisfactorily complete a full length play. Hours to be arranged.

Associate Professor Pratt.