University of Virginia Library


Halt! who asketh passage here?—
Freedom's heralds—they reply:
Lo, our blazonries are clear;
Soldier! we must hasten by.—
I can read them; but my orders
Are not less clear to my mind:
Back there! we are loyal warders,—
Say to those you left behind!
Halt! again, who passes there?—
Freedom's vanguard—the reply:
Freedom's harvest gifts we bear
For the Slaves of Poverty.
Soldier! thy old father lieth
Starving in thy peasant home.
Still the passage he denieth:
Back! return to whence ye come!
Halt! again, who passes here?—
Freedom's host—the loud reply,
Like God's voice, so full and clear,—
Brethren sworn to pass or die.


Soldiers' oaths are—To the Nation:
'Tis her will that speaks through us;
Answer you our acclamation
With your shout unanimous!
Ring the muskets on the ground!
Pile your arms! no need of them!
Peaceful smiles are gleaming round,
Starring Freedom's diadem.
Who shall bar the Nation's Chosen?
Rusheth in the swollen sea:
Shall its crested waves be frozen
By thy breath? Finality!