University of Virginia Library



Give thow desyre thy hous lang lestand,
And successouris bruik thy land,
Above all thing loive God and feir;
Intromet not with wrangous geir,
Nor conqueis nathing wrangouslie;
With thy neichtbour keip cheritie;
Obey dewlie thy magistrat;
Exceid in nathing thyne estait;
Oppress not, bot support the puire;
To help the commoune weill tak cuire;
Use na dissaitt, nor mell with treassoune,
And to all men do richt and ressoune;
Baith into word and deid be trew;
All kynd of wickedness eschew;
Sla na man nor thairto consent;
Be not cruell nor patient;
Allya ay in som guide place,
With nobill honest godlie race;
Hait huirdome and all vyces flie;
Be humbill, haunt guide companie;
Help thy freindis, and do na wrang,
And God sall gar thy hous lest lang.