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Now sent Gij his sondes about,
Ȝepe men wiþ-outen dout,
To cuntres þat he haþ þurch-went.
Grete frendes he haþ of-sent,
Of barouns and of kniȝtes beld
Þe best þat miȝt wepen weld,
Bi hundred and bi þousinde,
Þat al wil ben his helpinde.
Þe castels and þe borwes þat lorn were,
Þe douke oȝain wan hem þere
Þurch Gyes help & his ferrede,
Þat wele wer helpeand at nede,


Bi him & bi his conseyl also,
Þat þennes forward him treweþe wil do.
When þemperour yherd þis,
Þat Gij to þe douke ycomen is,
& þat he haþ his men ouercome,
Y-slawe & his steward nome,
Wroþ & sori he is þer-fore,
Þat he haþ so his men forlore.
To his barouns þan he sede:
‘Lordinges, what schal me to rede?
Neuer no worþ ich glad no bliþe,
Bot ich be awreken swiþe
Of Segyn & Gij þat is our fo,
Þat mi folk haþ brouȝt in wo.’
‘Sir,’ the douk Paui sede,
‘Ther-of þarf þe haue no drede.
Ar þe þridde day worþ to ende y-brouȝt,
Þat play worþ wel dere abouȝt;
For of þine folk take we wille,
Þat gode ben & snelle,
Þe best doand at swiche nede
Wiþ scheld & spere armed on stede:
Of Sessoine þe douke Reyner,
& þe constable Gaudiner,
& ich wiþ hem wil be,
& gret ferred lede wiþ me.
To Arascoun we schul fare,
Ȝif we þe douk finde þare.
Bot we þe treytours þe ȝelde,
We wil þatow in prisoun ous held.
Þemperour answerd: ‘y-wis,
A gode conseyl so is þis.
Sir douk Reyner, þou schalt go,
& þou, constable, al-so;
Al-so schal þe douke of Pauie
Wiþ his grete cheualrie


To Arascoun, þat gode cite:
Þe douke & Gij bring to me.
Who so to me bring hem to,
Mi loue he schal haue for euer mo.’