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[XXXIX. If I could value at its height]


[XXXIX. If I could value at its height]

If I could value at its height
The power I have, or take the praise,
I daily hear, on faith, some might
Would animate these failing lays.
Some token of the master-hand,
Some notes struck out with confidence,
Some fiat from the throne, would stand
As offset to my impotence.
The feeble heart of self-born doubt
Ill aids a purpose great and strong;
A grand truth, timidly set out,
Oft drifts upon the side of wrong.
Sometimes I quake with voiceless rage,
Or dull the sense of holy love;
And, like the novice on the stage,
Half fear to see my audience move.


No trust within myself I feel;
I sing my songs, I know not why;
The maid who sings beside her wheel
Is silenced by a stranger's eye.
But she whose tingling ears have heard
The “brava!” and the plaudits loud
Of rapturous men, is only stirred
To utterance by a listening crowd.
I never heard these plaudits ring:
I cannot take the poet's place,
And boldly to the nations sing,
Without a blush upon my face.
In my own weak and faulty way,
I pray you, let my song proceed;
For, somehow, God and nature say,
These rhymes were purposed and decreed.
To one God gives the robin's tone,
To one the carol of the lark,
To one the mocking-bird's, to one
The owlet's, drearier than the dark.


Taunt not the owlet with his shrieks,
Nor say he lacks the others' skill:
A voice of nature through him speaks,
According to God's plan and will.