University of Virginia Library


Deep in a wood I met a maid,
Who had so wild an air
Her beauty made my heart afraid,
And filled me with despair.
She wore a gown of gipsy dyes,
That had a ragged look;
The brown felicity of her eyes
Was like a mountain brook.
Around her hair, of raven hue,
Was bound a gentian band,
And from each tree the wild birds flew
And fluttered to her hand.
The crow sat cawing in the thorn
As if it, too, would greet
Her coming; and the winds of morn
Made music for her feet.


Barefooted down the wood she came
Bearing a magic rod
That left the leaves it touched aflame
And aster-starred the sod.
I spoke to her! “Tell who you are!
So fair, so wild, so free!
A being from some other star?
Or wildwood witchery?”
She smiled, and, passing, turned and said:
“You do not know me then?
Why, I am she, you long deemed dead,
Autumn, returned again!”