University of Virginia Library


The sunset crowns itself with storm,
From which a form
Of demon darkness lifts an arm,
And into sight a mountain heaves.
A sun-ray touches it; it turns
An isle that burns,
Upon whose shores blaze giant ferns,
'Mid which the mortal eye perceives


Plumed savages that launch long boats;
Towards which there floats
The wreck of Sindbad; and far motes,
Like Rocs, that trail vermilion wings.
The island sinks; and in its place
An Afrite face
Glares, rising from a genii vase
Of stars and moon that Evening brings.
A Dream treads dimly down the Hall
Of Evenfall;
And from the Night's gigantic wall
Lets fall a scarf—a meteor.
And then, behold! a mighty hand,
That points a land
Of mysteries, no eye has scanned,
Where all Life's dreams and longings are.