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  • 1. In what century was colonial life at its best?

  • 2. Of what classes was society composed?

  • 3. Describe the life on a large plantation.

  • 4. What is said of the life of a planter?

  • 5. Give a description of Mrs. Washington's home life.

  • 6. What is Bishop Meade's comment?

  • 7. Describe the "Great House."

  • 8. What of the architecture of this period?

  • 9. What is said of the overseer's house?

  • 10. Tell of the furniture.

  • 11. Describe the kitchen, and the method of cooking.

  • 12. Tell of the negro quarters.

  • 13. How were the negroes generally treated by their masters?

  • 14. What does Bruce say of this?

  • 15. Describe the planter's dress, and that of his wife.

  • 16. What of the roads, and how was traveling done?

  • 17. What were the advantages of plantation life?