University of Virginia Library


The President announced the following gifts and grants







From Mr. Chester F. Carlson, to the Medical School to be used for parapsychology research,
securities valued at 
$ 12,500 
From the estate of Ann H. Maury, to establish the Matthew Fontaine Maury Memorial Fund
for scholarships for worthy students 
From the estate of Betram C. Hopeman, to the Medical School to be added to the Mulholland
Chair of Medicine Fund 
From Mrs. Helen C. Mott, to the hospital to be added to Mott Cancer Fund  500 
From an anonymous donor, to be added to the endowment fund for the James Southall Wilson
Fellowship, securities valued at 
From an anonymous donor, for scholarships in the School of Nursing for the 19621963
$ 14,000 
From Mrs. William C. Williams, Jr., an unrestricted gift  100 
From The Seven Society, to be added to the Seven Society Fund  100 
From Mr. Vinton L. Pickens, to be added to the James E. Pate Memorial Scholarship
From Mr. D. W. Kinsinger, to the hospital for the use of the Social Service Department  100 
From Ambassador Hugh S. Cumming, Jr., to Alderman Library, 32 books from the library
of Hugh S. Cumming, Surgeon-General of the United States, valued at 
From the estate of Charles Conrad Freed, to the Medical School to be used for cardiology
From Mr. Braxton Davenport, to the Medical School for the use of the Department of
Neurology and Psychiatry 
From Mr. Randall Thompson, to be added to the Tuttle Memorial Music Fund  100 
From the University Hospital Auxiliary, Nurses' Scholarships $500; Indigent Drug Fund
From The Stettinius Fund, Inc., to be added to the Stettinius Fellowship Fund  2,100 
From George J. and Effie L. Seay Educational Fund, to be used for scholarships  3,000 
From St. Anthony Educational Foundation, Inc., to be added to the University scholarship
From Virginia Reelers, to the Children's Rehabilitation Center for the purchase of
wheel chairs 
From the John Jay and Eliza Jane Watson Foundation, to be added to the Samuel Forrest
Hyde Memorial Fellowship Fund 
From the Henry L. and Grace Doherty Foundation, to the Woodrow Wilson Department of
Foreign Affairs 
From Shell Companies Foundation, Inc., to the Department of Chemistry, $2,059 for the
Shell Foundation Fellowship for 1962-1963; $500 for the department 
From Union Bag-Camp Paper Corporation, an unrestricted gift  125 
From E. I. duPont deNemours & Company, a postgraduate teaching assistant award in
chemistry for the 1962-1963 session 
From E. I. duPont deNemours & Company, a postgraduate teaching assistant award in
physics for the 1962-1963 session 
From Merck Company Foundation, to the Medical School to be added to the House Staff
Loan Fund 
From Charlottesville and Albemarle Cerebral Palsy Association, to the Children's
Rehabilitation Center in support of the Cerebral Palsy Clinic 
From Danville Cancer Association, to the hospital to be used for cancer research  500 
From General Motors Corporation, to the Department of Physics in support of research
in the field of solid state physics 
From Title Council of America, a scholarship grant to the School of Architecture  750 
From Avalon Foundation, to the Medical School to be used for scholarships  10,000 
From Burlington Industries Foundation, $1,000 for two scholarships; $1,000 an
unrestricted grant 
From Asia Society, Inc., for summer school scholarships for the 1962 summer session  2,400 
From Carnegie Corporation, in support of a course under the direction of Dr. Paul T.
David, Department of Political Science 
From Brookings Institution, for research under the direction of Dr. J. M. Buchanan,
Department of Economics 
From American Medical Association, for research under the direction of Dr. J. A.
Thomas, Department of Pharmacology 
From Union Carbide Nuclear Company, for research under the direction of Dr. O. L.
Updike, Research Laboratories for the Engineering Sciences 
From American Cancer Society, for research under the direction of Dr. D. E. Smith,
Department of Pathology 
From American Machine and Foundry Company, for research under the direction of Mr.
Hyo-gun Kim, Department of Physics 
From Paint Research Institute, to the Department of Chemistry for a graduate
$ 6,000 
From Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, for training in Speech Correction and
Audiology, under the direction of Dr. Helen G. Burr, School of Education 
From Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, for continued training in rehabilitation
medicine, under the direction of Dr. A. J. Bollet, Department of Preventive Medicine 
From American Heart Association, for research under the direction of Dr. J. F. Dammann,
Jr., Department of Surgery 
From Virginia Heart Association, for research under the direction of Dr. J. F. Dammann,
Jr., Department of Surgery 
From Virginia Heart Association, for research under the direction of Dr. N. O. Atuk,
Department of Internal Medicine 
From Virginia Heart Association, for a junior research fellowship in the Department of
Internal Medicine 
From Virginia Heart Association, for a junior research fellowship in the Department of
From U. S. Air Force, for research under the direction of Prof. C. N. Gaylord and Prof.
J. A. Friedericy, School of Engineering 
From U. S. Air Force, for continued research under the direction of Prof. O. R. Harris,
School of Engineering 
From Department of the Army, to the Department of Physics for the purchase of research
From Department of the Navy, for the purchase of equipment for use in the Departments
of Physics and Chemistry 
From Department of the Navy, for research under the direction of Dr. L. F. McAuley,
Department of Mathematics 
From U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, for research under the direction of the following
members of the faculty: 
Drs. F. L. Hereford and W. D. Whitehead, Department of Physics  49,773 
Dr. Avery Catlin, School of Engineering  29,370 
Dr. J. N. Dent, Department of Biology  9,932 
Drs. A. R. Kuhlthau and R. A. Lowry, Research Laboratories for the Engineering
From U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, for the purchase of equipment for the Radio
Chemistry Laboratory and the Nuclear Chemical Engineering Laboratory 
From National Science Foundation, amendments to Summer Institute Grants under the
direction of the following members of the faculty: 
Dr. J. W. Cole, School of General Studies  778 
Dr. B. van't Riet, Department of Chemistry  542 
Dr. W. C. Lowry, School of Education  600 
From National Science Foundation, Amendment No. 1 to Academic Year Institute grant
under the direction of Dr. J. W. Cole, School of General Studies 
From National Science Foundation, Amendment No. 2 to Academic Year Institute grant
under the direction of Dr. J. W. Cole, School of General Studies 
From National Science Foundation, for the purchase of undergraduate instructional
scientific equipment for the Department of Biology 
From National Science Foundation, for an In-Service Institute in Earth Science for
Secondary School Teachers, Northern Virginia Branch, School of General Studies 
From National Science Foundation, an institutional grant for 1962-1963  10,694 
From National Science Foundation, for research under the direction of the following
members of the faculty: 
Prof. P. R. Goethals, Department of Sociology and Anthropology  20,400 
Prof. G. Tullock, Department of Economics  30,300 
Prof. P. N. Schatz, Department of Chemistry  38,800 
Prof. R. E. Lutz, Department of Chemistry  35,800 
From U. S. Public Health Service, training grants under the direction of the following
members of the faculty: 
Dr. O. A. Thorup, Jr., Department of Internal Medicine  44,118 
Drs. J. H. Allan and A. J. Bollet, Department of Orthopedics  22,000 
Drs. W. H. Muller and J. F. Dammann, Department of Surgery  29,617 
Dr. C. L. Gemmill, Department of Pharmacology  14,015 
Miss M. G. Tyson, School of Nursing  6,278 
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Department of Psychiatry  32,776 
Dr. V. Hollander, Cancer Research Laboratory  25,000 
Dr. M. G. Netsky, Department of Pathology  31,293 
Miss Z. M. Baber, School of Nursing  10,650 
From U. S. Public Health Service, a Research Career Development Award for Dr. L. M.
Hall, Department of Biochemistry 
$ 11,152 
From U. S. Public Health Service, a Research Career Development Award for Dr. J. B.
Littlefield, Department of Surgery 
From U. S. Public Health Service, for research under the direction of the following
members of the faculty: 
Dr. J. I. Kitay, Department of Internal Medicine  4,894 
Dr. R. B. Martin, Department of Chemistry  14,000 
Dr. H. L. Hamilton, Department of Biology  6,535 
Dr. T. I. Crowell, Department of Chemistry  24,525 
Dr. C. L. Gemmill, Department of Pharmacology  8,280 
Dr. G. Goldstein, Department of Microbiology  9,373 
Dr. C. M. Russell, Department of Microbiology  8,798 
Dr. D. P. Stacks, Department of Surgery  12,075 
Dr. J. B. Littlefield, Department of Surgery  21,037 
Drs. W. D. Warren and W. H. Muller, Department of Surgery  12,788 
Dr. A. K. Brown, Department of Pediatrics  19,262 
Dr. W. R. Sandusky, Department of Surgery  14,030 
Dr. A. Burger, Department of Chemistry  22,681 
Dr. W. Parson, Department of Internal Medicine  18,883 
Dr. G. C. Pitts, Department of Physiology  5,169 
Dr. O. A. Thorup, Department of Internal Medicine  12,305 
Dr. J. A. Bollet, Department of Preventive Medicine  18,113 
Dr. L. M. Hall, Department of Biochemistry  19,320 
Dr. D. N. Mohler, Department of Internal Medicine  9,545 
Dr. J. Q. Miller, Department of Neurology  18,130 
Dr. G. M. Gerken, Department of Psychology  12,478 
Drs. J. F. Hahn and R. C. Bice, Department of Psychology  21,551 
Dr. H. G. Larew, School of Engineering  12,185 
Dr. J. I. Kitay, Department of Internal Medicine  29,028 
Dr. B. van't Riet, Department of Chemistry  7,153 
Dr. E. D. Brand, Department of Pharmacology  14,950 
From Mr. John L. Pratt, in support of the Pratt Trace Analysis Laboratory (NO