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The Works of Michael Drayton

Edited by J. William Hebel

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An Acrosticke Sonnet upon his Name.

Must Albion thus bee Stellified by thee,
In her full pompe, that her the world may praise,
Cheerefull, Brave Isle, yea shall I live to see
Him thus to decke, and crowne thy Front with Bayes,
And shall I not in Zeale, and Merit too
Expresse to thee my Joy, my Thankes to him;
Lesse (sure) then this I may not, will not doe.
Drayton, sith still Parnassus thou doest clime,
Right like thy selfe, whose Heaven-inspired Muse,
As doth the Phenix still her selfe renewing,
Yee into other the like life infuse;
Thou his rich Subject, he thy Fame pursuing.
O hadst thou lov'd him, as hee thee hath done,
No Land such Honor, (to all times) had wonne.
John Reynolds.