University of Virginia Library

of ferlis sere, þat god has wrocht,
and ȝet for to do cesis nocht
for þis appostil, here or alquhare,
for to record sum resone war,
bot I to tel þame al am swer.
þar-for, I spek [nocht] of þam her;
bot þai þat has hym socht, sal tell
of syndry merwaalis, þat to þam fell,
and þat þai haf sere [men] hard say,
quhat þam be-tyd has in his way.
for gyf men wald record al þai,
a mekil buk suld þai þam may;
and sik gret thingis for to wryt,
eld lattis me to haf delyt.
for-þi of þis wark end I mak,
þat I haf done fore Iames sak,
and prays hym parcheryte,
þat he wald myne protector be,
sa þat I be nocht refusyt,
quhen I sal be for syne accusyt;
bot helpe, þat I ma haf þan
part in hewyne with rychtys men,
þat we al to god sic ma be,
þat we ma part haf of þat gle.