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The Works of Michael Drayton

Edited by J. William Hebel

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Reade heere (sweet Mayd) the story of my wo,
The drery abstracts of my endles cares:
With my lives sorow enterlyned so,
Smok'd with my sighes, and blotted with my teares.
The sad memorials of my miseries,
Pend in the griefe of myne afflicted ghost:
My lives complaint in doleful Elegies,
With so pure love as tyme could never boast.
Receave the incense which I offer heere,
By my strong fayth ascending to thy fame,
My zeale, my hope, my vowes, my praise, my prayer,
My soules oblations to thy sacred name.
Which name my Muse to highest heaven shal raise,
By chast desire, true love, and vertues praise.