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RESOLVED that the following persons are elected to the faculty:

  • Dr. Talissa A. Altes as Assistant Professor of Radiology, for three years, effective January 20, 2003, at an annual salary of $100,000.

  • Ms. Dorothe J. Bach as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for one year, effective December 4, 2002, at an annual salary of $37,500.

  • Dr. Seki A. Balogun as Assistant Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, for one year, effective January 25, 2003, at an annual salary of $100,000.

  • Dr. Kenneth L. Brayman as Professor of Surgery, effective September 1, 2002, at an annual salary of $260,000.

  • Dr. Claire A. Coggins as Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology, for three years, effective August 1, 2003, at an annual salary of $100,000.

  • Ms. Joanne L. Cohoon as Research Assistant Professor of Education, for one year, effective August 25, 2002, at an annual salary of $50,000.

  • Mr. Ugo Della Croce as Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, for one year, effective November 1, 2002, at an annual salary of $84,000.

  • Mr. Scott T. Eblen as Assistant Professor of Research in Microbiology, for one year, effective January 1, 2003, at an annual salary of $55,000.

  • Ms. Sherry W. Fox as Assistant Professor of Nursing, for three academic years, effective January 10, 2003, at an academic year salary of $58,000.

  • Mr. Oscar A. Giardinelli as Visiting Professor of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, for one semester, effective August 25, 2002, at a salary of $40,000.

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  • Ms. Erica R. Gould as Assistant Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, for four academic years, effective August 25, 2001, at an academic year salary of $50,000.

  • Dr. Matthew J. Kessler as Associate Professor of Comparative Medicine, for one year, effective January 10, 2003, at an annual salary of $90,000.

  • Mr. Hans-Thies Lehmann as Max Kade Distinguished Visiting Professor of German, for the period February 10, 2003, through May 8, 2003, at a salary of $30,000.

  • Mr. John D. Maybee as Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, for the period February 14, 2003, through May 24, 2003, at an academic year salary of $48,000.

  • Ms. Ann E. Mills as Assistant Professor of Medical Education, for one year, effective April 25, 2002, at an annual salary of $39,600.

  • Ms. Kristina T. Nelson as Assistant Professor of Research in Microbiology, for one year, effective January 15, 2003, at an annual salary of $66,000.

  • Ms. Sandra L. Pelletier as Assistant Professor of Research in Health Evaluation Sciences, for one year, effective February 25, 2003, at an annual salary of $52,400.

  • Ms. Girija Ramakrishnan as Assistant Professor of Research in Internal Medicine, for one year, effective September 25, 2002, at an annual salary of $52,400.

  • Ms. Petra Reinke as Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, for the period January 25, 2003, through May 24, 2006, at an academic year salary of $70,000.

  • Dr. Sydney A. Rice as Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, for three years, effective February 3, 2003, at an annual salary of $100,000.

  • Mr. Eugene Seneta as Visiting Professor of Mathematics, for one semester, effective August 25, 2002, at a salary of $40,000.

  • Mr. Xiaotong Song as Research Professor of Physics, for one academic year, effective December 25, 2002, at an academic year salary of $63,300.

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  • Ms. Malathi Veeraraghavan as Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, effective January 25, 2003, at an academic year salary of $100,000.

  • Mr. Stuart A. Wolf as Research Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, for three years, effective January 6, 2003, at an annual salary of $156,000.

  • Mr. Khalequz Zaman as Assistant Professor of Research in Pediatrics, for one year, effective January 2, 2003, at an annual salary of $52,400.

  • Dr. Min-Qing Zhao as Assistant Professor of Research in Internal Medicine, for the period January 2, 2003, through June 30, 2003, at an annual salary of $52,400.