University of Virginia Library


Music 232. E. Material and Sight Singing—1A.—Credit, 2 hours.

Music 233. E. Study of Tone and Rhythm—1B.—Credit, 2 hours.

Music 234. E. Methods and Rote Songs—1C.—Credit, 2 hours.

Music 235. E. Rudiments of Music and Melody Writing—1D.
Credit, 2 hours.

Music 236. E. Music History and Current Musical Events—1E.
Credit, 2 hours.

Music 237. E. Material and Sight Singing—2A.—Credit, 2 hours.

Music 238. E. Study of Tone and Rhythm—2B.—Credit, 2 hours.

Music 239. E. Methods and Practice Teaching—2C.—Credit, 2

Music 240. E. Melody Writing and Elementary Harmony—2D.
Credit, 2 hours.

Music 241. E. C. High and Normal School Music—F.—Credit, 2

Music 242. Vocal Production—C. H.

Music 243. Course in Piano Playing—C. H.

Music 244. Course in Piano Technique and Interpretation.

Music 245. Course in Sight Reading and Ensemble Playing.

Music 246. Theoretical Course of Teaching Methods and Pedagogy.

Music 247. Course in Practical Church Music.

Music 248. Artistic Organ Playing.

Music 249. Elementary Violin Playing.

Music 250. Intermediate Violin Playing.

Music 251. Advanced Violin Playing.

Music 252. History and Appreciation of Music.

Music 253. Ear-Training and Preparatory Harmony.

Music 254. Advanced Harmony.