University of Virginia Library

Outline for Primary Grades.

First Year.

Principles of Elementary Education—Education 129a, 2.30  30 periods 
Methods in Reading I—Education 132, 12:15  30 periods 
Songs and Games—Physical Education 193, 9:30  30 periods 
School Hygiene and Sanitation—Education 12  30 periods 
Methods in Language I—Education 142, 8:30  30 periods 

Second Year.

Principles of Teaching and Studying, 12:15  30 periods 
Methods in Reading II—Education 133a, 8:30 to 10:30 and
133b, 9:30 
30 periods 
Methods in Language and Spelling—Education 134, 10:30  30 periods 
Public School Music—Music 332, 8:30  30 periods 
Hygiene and Sanitation—Education 12, 12:15  30 periods 

Third Year.

Methods and Management—Education 15, 2:30  30 periods 
Drawing 122a, 9:30; or 122b, 2:30  30 periods 
Nature Study and Home Geography—Education 110, 10:30  30 periods 
Primary Industrial Work—10:30 and 12:15; 2:30 to 4:30  30 periods 
Child Literature and History Stories—Education 111, 12:15  30 periods 
Observation, 8:30 to 10:30, Midway School  20 periods