University of Virginia Library


One word. Then for battle we hold in our breath,
To fight you; by God! we shall fight to the death:
Through Earth, Heaven, or Hell, and the range of Endeavour,
If need be; by God! we will fight you for ever!
You have drawn the first blood in our opening battle;
We score you that honour! You've tested our mettle!
And never was Battle yet fought worth the winning
But those who won last seemed to lose in beginning.
Coercion has failed you again and again,
And you are the Last of Emergency Men!
Our Cause is propelled by the spurn of your feet!
You kindle our furnace to sevenfold heat,
Till, as Slag from the fire, you will only be found!
E'en in turning a Treadmill our triumph comes round:


Coercion has failed you again and again,
And you are the last of Emergency Men!
One word. Then for battle we hold in our breath,
To fight you; by God! we shall fight to the death:
Through Earth, Heaven, or Hell, and the range of endeavour,
If need be; by God! we will fight you for ever!