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By George Outram: Containing a number of new pieces & fifteen illustrations by Edward J. Sullivan

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Whaever's here that wishes a cure
For mind, or wind, or limb,
Let him listen to mine—wi' me it's been sure—
It'll be the same wi' him.
Whatever comfort failed me,
Whatever it was that ailed me,
Whatever was my plisky,
Whatever dangers cam—
I tipp'd aff a bottle o' whisky,
An' here I am!
Ance I was ill, an' to mak' up his bill,
The Doctor cam like stour,
Wi' a forpit o' squills, an' laxative pills,
My bowels for to cure.
He swore I was in a consumption—
I swore he had nae gumption;
He said I might tak the riskie—
I said I wad tak my dram,—
Sae I tipp't aff a bottle o' whisky,
An' here I am!
When I was in love, my mettle to prove,
My sweetheart behaved unco queer;
She ance saw me fou, an' she ca'd me a sow,
An' said I was portable beer!


Her love I cast aff a' houp o't,
Sae I ran to a linn to loup it—
But as I was rinnin' sae briskly,
I thought I wad tak a dram—
Sae I tipp'd aff a bottle o' whisky,
An' here I am!
I ance gaed aff, like a sober calf,
To sail the warld round,
But as we cam' back, the ship was a wrack,
An' we were just gaun to be drowned;
The passengers lustily sang out,
The crew whomelled into the long boat,
An' how I got out o' the plisky,
I dinna ken whether I swam—
But I tipp'd aff a bottle o' whisky,
An' here I am!