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To my Dear Cousin Mrs. M. T.
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To my Dear Cousin Mrs. M. T.

after the Death of her Husband and Son.

Dear Coz. I hope by this time you have dry'd,
At least set bounds to th' almost boundless tide
Of flowing Tears: I'm sure my wish is so,
Which Love and Int'rest does oblige me to;
For you can bear no Sufferings alone,
All yours are mine by participation;
And doubtless all your Friends, in some degree,
Must bear a share, if they can love like me:
Then if not for your own sake, yet for ours,
And in submission to th' Eternal Powers,
Not only dry your Eyes, but chear your Brow,
And lend us Joys, and we'll repay them you.
Rouse up your Soul, and shew your self indu'd
With Mothers Prudence, Fathers Fortitude;
In other Vertues you have equall'd them,
In these strive to out-doe your worthy Stem;
For here Ambition can't excessive be,
Neither esteemed pride or vanity:


(For when we to the top of Vertue climb,
We're sure in no mistake, much less a crime.)
But by this brave attempt you shall subdue
Cross Fate, which otherwise wou'd conquer you.
But after all that can be said on this,
I am not ignorant how hard it is
To conquer Passions, and our selves subdue;
Though advis'd by Friends, and assisted too
By the prevailing Powers of Grace from Heav'n,
Still Counsel's harder to be took than giv'n:
Not that I thought your Griefs profuse, but knew
Much to a Son, more to a Husband's due:
Only remember that our Lord has taught,
Thy will be done; therefore we must in thought,
As well as words, submit to his intents,
Who can bring good out of the worst Events;
Whose Mercy oft protracts the bad Man's doom,
And takes the good Man from the ill to come.