New Custome A new Enterlude No lesse wittie : then pleasant, entituled new Custome deuised of late, and for diuerse causes nowe set forthe, neuer before this tyme Imprinted |
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New Custome | ||
- The Prologue.
- Peruerse Doctrine [Peruersd.]. an olde Popishe priest.
- Ignoraunce [Ignorace.]. an other, but elder.
- Newcustome [New cust.]. a minister.
- Light of the gospell [Light of]. a minister.
- Hypocrisie [Hipocri.]. an olde woman.
- Creweltie [Crueltie.]. a Ruffler.
- Auarice. a Ruffler.
- Edification [Edificatio.]. a Sage,
- Assuraunce [Assurace.]. a Uertue.
- Goddes felicitie. a Sage.
The players names in this Enterlude bee these.
New Custome | ||