University of Virginia Library


The Rector introduced and welcomed to the Board Dr. Herbert Chermside Pollock, one of three
Visitors appointed by the Governor on February 28th for the four-year term ending 28 February 1959.
A certified copy of Mr. Pollock's oath of office, taken before the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
Albemarle County on March 11th, was handed to the Secretary and ordered to be filed

The Rector also announced to the Visitors the appointment to the Board on the same date of
Mr. Norborne Berkeley and Col. Joseph Manuel Hartfield, who, like Mr. Pollock, were named by
Governor Stanley as a result of the Act of the General Assembly, approved on 2 April 1954, amending
Sections 23-70 and 23-71 of the Code of Virginia so as to increase the membership of the Board from
fourteen to seventeen Visitors, no more than three of whom may be Alumni of the University resident
outside of Virginia. Letters from Mr. Berkeley and Mr. Hartfield which were read aloud to the
Board expressed the hope of both to be present at the April 8th meeting, but Mr. Berkeley said it
would not be possible for him to attend every month, and he thought it would be better for him to
withdraw acceptance of his appointment than to miss a large proportion of the meetings.