University of Virginia Library


Up Alma's hill the Ensign went,
A Boy! but terribly intent!
His should be foremost of the Flags,
Though He and It were shot to rags!
He looked round only once, to find
The men for a moment lagged behind.
Bring back the Colours to them!” cried
The Colonel. But the Lad replied,
“No! lead you up the men who lag,
Hurry them forward to the Flag!”


So far ahead Our Ensign leads,
The laggards tell us he Secedes!
He could not stay the fight, to say
Our victory lies the Onward way!
“Bring back the Colours to the rear,
For those who fight the battle there!”
No! no! far forward He stands fast,
First with the Colours, to the last!
No cry of Laggards will he heed:
A Leader's duty is to lead.