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My Lyrical Life

Poems Old and New. By Gerald Massey

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Peace, shall it be? or War to the knife?
Sentence of Death or freedom for life?
Is the bloody Vendetta to die away
As Dawn dis-purples in clear white day?
Stand for the Liberation Laws,
The Grand Old Man and the Great New Cause!
Shall the Mother again be terribly torn,
That another Abortion may be born?
Or a nobler Nation struggle forth,
With the labour-pangs of a larger birth?
Stand for the Liberation Laws,
The Grand Old Man and the Great New Cause!
Shall Ireland's Music be always the Caoine?
Our Rose ever seen gory-red on her Green?
Shall the smoke of her torment ascend on high
Till Death in that land is our only Ally?
Stand for the Liberation Laws,
The Grand Old Man and the Great New Cause!
Shall the pick of a people be driven to roam
The world for ever in search of a Home,
Because we are turning their life-giving Land
Into a Desert of rootless sand?
Stand for the Liberation Laws,
The Grand Old Man and the Great New Cause!
God save Erin,” is their cry,
As the Exiles die under every sky!


In praying or cursing, the one cry still;
God save Erin.” As surely He will!
Stand for the Liberation Laws,
The Grand Old Man and the Great New Cause!
John Bull is awaking at last; and John,
They warn us, is pulling his big boots on!
But we read 'twixt his smile and the gathering frown
It isn't for treading the Irish down!
Stand for the Liberation Laws,
The Grand Old Man and the Great New Cause!