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While, blent with winds, ten thousand agents wage
The strife anew;

Many passages in the writings of both Jews and Christians occur to justify this. It must, however, have been some inferior angel, who, according to the continually quoted belief of the fathers, was worshipped as the god Æolus. The “prince of the powers of the air” himself must have been sufficiently employed in feasting on the exhalations of the blood of his numerous sacrifices. The god Mars, to preserve the same system entire, must have been also one of his subordinates. The field of battle, therefore, together with the hearts that quivered on altars both in the Old and New World, must have made his banquets long and frequent.

and Zóphiël, fain to fly,

But foiled, gave up to unavailing rage,
And strove and toiled and strove, but could not mount on high.