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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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Sunday August 4th. 1805.
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Sunday August 4th. 1805.

Set out very early this morning and Steered S. E. by E. 4
M. when we pased a bold runing Creek 12 yds. wide, the water
of which was clear and very cold. it appears to be formed by
four dranes from the snowey mountains to our left. after


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passing this creek we changed our direction to S. E. passing
obliquely across a valley which boar E. leaving the valley we
had pursued for the two preceeding days. at the distance
of 3 Ms. we passed a handsome little river which meanders
through this valley; it is about 30 yds. wide, affords a considerable
quantity of water and appears as if it might be navigated
some miles. the currant is not rapid nor the water very clear;
the banks are low and the bed formed of stone and gravel. I
now changed my rout to S. W. passed a high plain which lies
betwen the valleies and returned to the South valley, in passing
which I fell in with a river about 45 yds. wide gravley
bottom gentle currant waist deep and water of a whitish blue
tinge. this stream we waded and continued our rout down it
to the entrance of the river just mentioned about 3/4 of a mile.
still continuing down we passed the entrance of the creek
about 2 miles lower down; and at the distance of three miles
further arrived at it's junction with a river 50 yds. wide which
Comes from the S. W. and falling into the South valley runs
parallel with the middle fork about 12 miles before it forms a
junction. I now found that our encampment of the last evening
was about 1 1/2 miles above the entrance of this large river
on Stard.[9] this is a bold rappid and Clear Stream, it's bed so
much broken and obstructed by gravley bars and it's waters
so much subdivided by Islands that it appears to me utterly
impossible to navigate it with safety. the middle fork is gentle
and possesses about 2/3rds. as much water as this stram. it's
course so far as I can observe it is about S.W., and from the
opening of the valley I beleive it still bears more to the West
above. it may be safely navigated. it's water is much warmer
then the rapid fork and it's water more turbed; from which
I conjecture that it has it's sources at a greater distance in
the mountains and passes through an opener country than
the other. under this impression I wrote a note to Capt
Clark, recommending his taking the middle fork P[r]ovided
he should arrive at this place before my return, which I expect
will be the day after tomorrow. this note I left on a


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pole at the forks of the river, and having refreshed ourselves
and eat heartily of some venison which we killed this morning
we continued our rout up the rapid fork on the Stard. side, resolving
to pursue this stream untill noon to-morrow and then
pass over to the middle fork and come down it to their
junction or untill I meet Capt Clark. I have seen no recent
Indian sign (Qu) in the course of my rout as yet. Charbono
complains much of his leg, and is the cause of considerable
detention to us. we encamped on the river bank near the
place at which it leaves the valley and enters the mountain
having traveled about 23 miles. we saw some Antelopes deer
Crains, gees, and ducks of the two species common to this
country. the summer duck has ceased to appear, nor do I
beleive it is an inhabitant of this part of the country. the
timber &c is as heretofore tho' there is more in this valley on
the rapid fork than we have seen in the same extent on the
river since we entered this valley. the Indians appear on
some parts of the river to have distroyed a great proportion
of the little timber which there is by seting fire to the bottoms.
This morning Capt. Clark set out at sunrise, and sent two
hunters ahead to kill some meat. at 8 A.M. he arrived at
my camp of the 2ed. inst. where he breakfasted; here he found
a note which I had left for him at that place informing him
of the occurences of my rout &c. the river continued to be
crouded with Islands, rapid and shoaly. these shoals or riffles
succeeded each other every 3 or four hundred yards; at those
places they are obliged to drag the canoes over the stone there
not being water enough to float them, and betwen the riffles
the current is so strong that they are compelled to have c[r]ecourse
to the cord; and being unable to walk on the shore
for the brush wade in the river along the shore and hawl them
by the cord; this has increased the pain and labour extreemly;
their feet soon get tender and soar by wading and
walking over the stones. these are also so slipry that they
frequently get severe falls. being constantly wet soon makes
them feble also. their hunters killed 2 deer today and some
gees and ducks wer killed by those who navigated the canoes.
they saw deer antelopes Crains beaver Otter &c. Capt. Clark's


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ancle became so painfull to him that he was unable to walk.
This evening they encamped on the Stard. side in a bottom of
cottonwood timber, all much fatiegued.

Courses and distances traveled by Capt. Clark and party. August
4th. 1805.

S. 45°. W.  5.  on a direct course to a Lard. bend passing 4 bends on the
Lard. side and several bayous on either side.
S. 20°. W.  4.  With the river to a bluff on the Lard. side, passing 3
bends on the Stard. and two small Islands and 2 Bayous
on Stard. side.
S. 60°. W.  6.  with the river to an island, passing six circular bends on
the Stard. and several small bayous. encamped on
stard. side in a bottom covered with cottonwood.
Miles  15. 


This is the stream which the explorers, two days later, named Wisdom