University of Virginia Library

his printes com syne in hy
be nycht, and stal away þe body
for dowte of Iowis, and fut-hat
In Ioy þai lad it in a bate,
and wyne þar-In with it but were
for-owt maste, atye, or stere,
commendand þam to goddis will,
to quhat land he wald send þam till,
þat þai mycht mak his sepultore
eftyr þar powar with honour.
and þai aryvyt with þat relik
of spanȝe, in-to þe kynrik,
quhare of þat land þe quen can ma
dwellinge, callit to nam lupa,
þat is als mykil fore to say,
as a wolfe, þat is felone ay.
and þat name gaynyt hyr til,
for scho wes schrewis, feloun & Il.
þe corse of þe bat þai haf tane,
and lad it done one a stane;
and þe stane, quhen he lad was þer,
wex nesch as it wax war,
and gaf sic sted to þat body,


as It a grave had bene, in hy.
for þat, al þat cumys þar,
ma se his fasone les & mar.
þane his sad discipulis passit one
to þe quene, and sad hyr sone:
“lo, Ihesu criste of his fre will
his disciple has send ȝov till;
and til he quek was, þou wald nocht
beleve, sa hard wes þi thocht,
þar-for, god send hym to þe ded,
þat þu ma ȝete þi myss remed;”
and tald hyr, alse, of goddis wil
how he but helpe wes brocht hir till.
þar-for, þai askyt hyr a sted,
to grawe hym þat þai brocht sa dede.
and quhen scho sa hard þis thinge,
scho bad þame gange & sek þe kinge,
and of þar lykine get his will,
and þan agane com sone hir till.
bot þis scho sad in þe entent,
þat þai suld have bene quyt schent,
for þat he lange wes ay fell
to crystis folk and rycht cruel;
for he gert tak þame al þan sone,
and gert in presone þam be done.
bot fra þat he to met wes gane,
ane angel com, þat clerly schane,
and þe pressone opnyt in hy,
and let þame pas away frely.
bot quhen þe kinge herd þat thinge,
he gert fele knychtis in a lynge
pryk efter þame in al þar mayne,
to brynge hym þame tyt agane.
and on a bryge, as þai can ryd
our a wattyr, depe and wyd,


þe bryge brak, and þar dronyt all,
þat mad þe chas, gret & smal.
and quhen þat to þe kyng wes tald,
þocht he was bath fel and bawld,
ȝet hym fore-thocht his mys-dede,
and for þai lele men send gud sped,
and prayt þam to cum hym till,
and he suld grant þam all þar wil.
þane þai agane com to þe kinge,
and till hym mad sik sermonynge,
quhare-thru conuertit son wes he,
and al þe folk of þat cunttre.