University of Virginia Library



Dey tells erbout heben, an' de streets ub gol',
An' de harp dat I'll play bime-by;
But de thing dat puzzles me mo' an' mo',
Shell I eat wadermilluns on high?
Dey tells ub de robe, an' de starry crown,
An' de ribber dat glides 'long by;
Ub de tree ub life, an' twelve kinder frut,
But nuthin' 'bout milluns on high.
Dey sez dat de puh an' de good is blest
Wid manshunz in de bright sky;
But nobody tells dis chile ub grace
Dat he'll eat wadermilluns on high.
Dey sez dat my tears will be wiped away,
No sorrer nor sighin' kum nigh;
But I think I'd cry tell my eyes bus' out,
Could I git no milluns on high.


Dey tells ub hunny an' milk an' things
Dat de saints gwy git bime-by;
Den huccum dey kan't hab a wadermillun patch
In de lubly green fiel's on high?
But in dat book what tells erbout heb'n
Dey couldn't put all ef dey try,
An' de parts dats nebber bin writ, I think,
Tells ub big wadermilluns on high.