University of Virginia Library


Outline for Primary Grades (New Course).

First Year.

Principles of Elementary Education—Education 129a  30 periods 
(Suggested text—Thorndike's Education—Macmillan.) 
Methods in Reading I—Education 132  30 periods 
Songs and Games—Physical Education 193  30 periods 
Arithmetic I—Education 139  30 periods 
Writing 113a; 113b; 113c; 113d  30 periods 
Methods in Language I—Education 142  30 periods 

Second Year.

Principles of Teaching and Studying—Education 131  30 periods 
(Suggested text—Kirkpatrick's Fundamentals of Child
Methods in Reading II—Education 133a; 133b  30 periods 
Methods in Language and Spelling—Education 134  30 periods 
Publc School Music  30 periods 
Hygiene and Sanitation—Education 135  30 periods 

Third Year (not offered in 1917).

Methods and Management  30 periods 
(Suggested text—The Teaching Process, by Strayer;
and School Management, by Salisbury.) 
Drawing  30 periods 
Nature Study and Home Geography  30 periods 
Primary Industrial Work  30 periods 
Child Literature and Home Stories  30 periods 
Observation  20 periods 

Outline for Gramar Grades (sic) (New Course).

First Year.

Principles of Elementary Education—Education 129b  30 periods 
(Suggested text—Thorndike's Education—Macmillan.) 
Methods in Language and Spelling—English 149 and 150
or 148 
30 periods 
Methods in Civics and History—Education 136  30 periods 
Methods in Writing 113a; 113b; 113c; 113d  30 periods 
Arithmetic I—Education 137  30 periods 
Songs and Games—Physical Education 192  30 periods 

Second Year.

Principles of Teaching and Studying—Education 17  30 periods 
(Suggested text—Human Behavior—Colvin and Bagley). 
Methods in Language and Grammar—English 151  30 periods 
Methods in Arithmetic II—Education 138  30 periods 
Public School Music  30 periods 
Agriculture 106 or 107  30 periods 


Page 19

Third Year (not offered in 1917).

Methods and Management  30 periods 
(Suggested text—The Teaching Process, by Strayer;
and Management, by Salisbury.) 
Methods in Literature and Reading  30 periods 
Methods in Geography  30 periods 
Drawing or Industrial Work or Home Economics  60 periods 
Observation  20 periods 

If drawing or industrial work is taken in the third year an elective
will also be required.

(c) The course for the Summer School Professional Certificate.
Advanced Grade, must embrace the following courses of college
grade: Two required courses—English and education—four elective
courses—to be chosen from any of the following branches: Agriculture,
biology, field botany, chemistry, domestic economy, drawing,
French, geography, German, history, hygiene and sanitation, Latin,
literature, library methods, manual training, mathematics, music,
philosophy, physics, and psychology.

This certificate entitles the holder to teach only in the elementary

(d) Summer School Professional Certificate—For High School
Grades—Minimum Entrance Requirement.
—The holder of a Virginia
First Grade High School Certificate or the holder of a Virginia
First Grade Certificate who presents satisfactory evidence of
having completed the equivalent of a standard four-year high school
course, shall be granted a Summer School Professional Certificate
—For High School Grades, under the terms and conditions hereinafter

The certificate and other credentials which entitle the applicant
to enter upon and pursue the course of study herein outlined must
be presented to and approved by the conductor of the summer
school before the applicant can be registered and admitted to

The Summer School Professional Certificate.—For High School
Grades entitles the holder to teach only the high school branches
named in the certificate.

General Requirements.—The courses prescribed in any of the
branches hereinafter stated for the Summer School Professional
Certificate—For High School Grades, must embrace no work unless
it be of College Grade, requiring minimum hours or recitation periods
of sixty minutes each. These courses must be taken in a summer
school at a registered college or university and must be completed
within a period of three years from the date of beginning.
In all cases a statement of each professor under whom the course is
pursued, to the effect that the applicant is highly proficient in his
branch, must accompany the final report.

The following "Content Table" gives the number of hours or
recitation periods required in each branch, and in addition thereto
the applicant must complete a course of thirty hours in educational
psychology and the principles of teaching. Any of the following
courses in Education have been approved by the Department of Public
Instruction as satisfying this condition: Education 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.