University of Virginia Library


Page 19


Professor Heck.

Professor Maphis.

For Graduates and Undergraduates.

Education C1: Principles of Education.—A summary of present
educational theory and practice. After an introductory consideration
of the method and material of educational study, the aim of
education is defined and illustrated at length. Theories of organic
evolution are outlined and discussed in their influence upon theories
of education. The second and third terms are devoted to a study of
school hygiene, educational psychology, curricula, and general
method. The texts are supplemented by parallel reading. Professor

Education C2: School Administration.—A seminar study of national,
state, and city school systems; public finance and education;
school buildings and equipment; the supervision and employment of
teachers; the relations between school, home, and society. The educational
systems and policies of the Southern States are considered
in detail. Text are read rapidly, the main emphasis being put upon
parallel reading and original investigation. Professor Heck.

Recommendation of Teachers.

The recommendation of teachers from the School of Education
is in charge of the Bureau of Appointments,—Professor Kent and
Professor Maphis. Through this committee positions are secured,
not only for students of the School of Education, but for students in
other departments, where they are known to be fitted to fill the
vacancies reported. In response to requests from the proper authorities,
teachers are recommended for positions as instructors in
colleges and normal schools, as superintendents, as supervisors in
special subjects, as principals or department teachers in high
schools, and as principals of elementary schools. The demand for
teachers has been greater than the supply. Correspondence with regard
to this matter may be addressed to the Bureau of Appointments,
University, Virginia.