University of Virginia Library


It had not life enough to die at last,
Nor weight enough to fall; it simply passed:
A Shadow great calamity had cast.
Gone, like a dance of gnats from sunset streams!
We saw it, with these eyes; and now it seems
Dim as a fragment of forgotten dreams.
A mist of blood, it rose up in the night;
A mist of glamour blurred the common light;
A mist of lies, it vanishes from sight.
For Eighteen years we watched where'er life stirred;
Waited and listened, but we never heard
God speak. It went without a warning word!
One flash of Heaven; and all the Pageantry
Of Cloudland crumbles; all the Ephemeræ flee
From the still presence of Eternity!
One ray of risen Liberty hath shone,
And like a name writ in the Sighs breathed on
A Prison Window-pane, the Empire's gone.