University of Virginia Library


The great Peter, by a bold Pindaric Jump, leapeth from Sonnet to Gull-catching.

Reader, dost know the mode of catching gulls?
If not, I will inform thee—Take a board,
And place a fish upon it for the fools—
A sprat, or any fish by gulls ador'd:
Those birds, who love a lofty flight,
And sometimes bid the sun good night;
Spying the glittering bait that floats below;
Sans céremonie, down they rush
(For gulls have got no manners), on they push;
And what's the pretty consequence, I trow?
They strike their gentle jobbernowls of lead
Plump on the board—then lie like boobies dead.
Reader, thou need'st not beat thy brains about,
To make so plain an application out—
There's many a painting puppy, take my word,
Who knocks his silly head against a board
That might have help'd the state—made a good jailor,
A nightman, or a tolerable tailor.