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Mr. Lawrence Lewis, acting for Chairman W. Wright Harrison, advised the Board that the work of the Student Affairs and Athletics Committee was very heavy, and that it has been necessary for the Committee to meet on special occasions with some frequency. He urged that serious consideration be given to forming two committees - one to deal with student affairs, and one for athletics.

Mr. Lewis reported that the Student Council representatives who met with the Committee brought an expert witness on traffic matters to the meeting. He voiced his opposition to inviting witnesses to the Committee meetings, since the President and Vice-President of Student Council have been designated to bring student concerns to the Committee.

Mr. Lewis reported that the Student Affairs and Athletics Committee had a meeting on January 3, 1973 with the Board of the Virginia Student Aid Foundation, and that the President made an excellent statement at the meeting indicating the President's support of athletic programs.

The Acting Chairman recognized Vice-President D. Alan Williams, who reported on recent NCAA actions, particularly legislation restricting the number of athletic grants-in-aid which an institution may award.

Mr. Lawrence Lewis, Chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, reported that the University has learned from the Highway Department that the Board will be approached at a future date about land from the Blandy Experimental Farm for the widening of Route 50.

Mr. William Zimmer, acting for Chairman William S. Potter, advised that the Finance Committee had approved a loan for the purchase of buses for the University's transit system.

Mr. C. Waller Barrett, Chairman of the Educational Policy Committee, reported on the need for library construction. He urged that $100,000 from private sources be raised so that planning may begin at once, then we must seek $4.5 million for construction, possibly in two phases. In addition, he urged raising funds from private sources for a rare book library. The necessity for remodeling of Clark Hall was also discussed. The Rector expressed the gratitude of the Board to Mr. Barrett for his sustained effort to bring the University's libraries to a high level of excellence.

Dr. Hartwell Harrison, Chairman of the Health Sciences Committee, reported that planning for the Medical Library is going forward. He advised that further study of the proposal to purchase the Towers Hospital structure will be required. He advised the Board that medical programs at the University will be adversely affected by the federal budget cuts.