University of Virginia Library


Latin 46. Cicero.—First Term. 9:30; C. H. 1. Credit, one session-hour.
Mr. FitzHugh and Mr. Bishop.

Offered for teachers in colleges, for college students, and for students of Latin at
large. This course is identical with the third term of A1 in the winter session.
College grammar and prose composition on Wednesdays and Fridays. Reading of
authors on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. For college credit parallel reading
is required in addition to the work of the classroom. Text-Books.—Gildersleeve-Lodge,
Larger Edition of Grammar, and Nutting, Advanced Latin Composition;
Cicero, De Senectute, De Amicitia, and Tusculam Disputations.

Latin 47. Quintilian.—First Term. 10:30; C. H. 1. Credit, one session-hour.
Mr. FitzHugh and Mr. McLemore.

Offered for teachers in colleges, for college students, and for students of Latin at
large. This course is identical with the third term of B2 in the winter session.
College grammar and prose composition on Wednesdays and Fridays. Reading of
authors on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. For college credit parallel reading
is required in addition to the work of the classroom. Text-Books.—Gildersleeve-Lodge,
Larger Grammar, and Bennett, Second Latin Writer; Quintilian,
Training of the Orator, and Cicero's Brutus.

Latin 48. Lucretius.—First Term. 10:30; C. H. 1. Credit, one session-hour.
Mr. FitzHugh and Mr. McLemore.

Offered for teachers in colleges, for college students, and for students of Latin at
large. This course is identical with the third term of C2 in the winter session.
Historical grammar and prose composition on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reading
of authors on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. For college credit parallel
reading is required in addition to the work of the classroom. Text-Books.—Grandgent,
Vulgar Latin, and Nettleship, Passages for Translation; Lucretius, De Rerum
Natura, and Cicero, De Natura Deorum.

Latin 178. Teachers High School Training Course.—First Term.
12:15; C. H. 1. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. McLemore.

Illustrating the method of conducting classes in the high school. Review of Beginners
Latin, High School Grammar and Prose Composition, Caesar, Cicero, and
Vergil. Grammar and prose composition on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reading of
authors on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Text-Books.—Those adopted by
the State Board of Education.

Credit for this course is conditioned on the completion of the four years of high
school Latin, or of courses corresponding to them below:

Latin 319. Caesar.—Both Terms. 8:30; C. H. 1. Mr. McLemore
and Mr. Bishop.

Offered for teachers in high schools and academies, for college preparation, and


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for students of Latin at large. High School grammar and prose composition on
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reading of Caesar on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Text-Books—Bennett's Latin Grammar and Barss' Writing Latin (Book I);
Caesar's Gallic War.

Latin 320. Cicero.—Both Terms. 2:30; C. H. 1. Mr. Bishop.

Offered for teachers in high schools and academics, for college preparation, and
for students of Latin at large. High School grammar and prose composition on
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reading of Cicero on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Text-Books.—Bennett's Latin Grammar and Barss' Writing Latin (Book II);
Cicero's Orations.

Latin 321. Vergil I-VI.—Both Terms. 9:30; C. H. 1. Mr. FitzHugh
and Mr. Bishop.

Offered for teachers in high schools and academics, for college preparation, and
for students of Latin at large. High School grammar and prose composition on
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reading of Vergil on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Text-Books.—Bennett's Latin Grammar and Nutting's Supplementary Latin
Composition; Vergil's Aeneid I-VI.